What is Young Farmers about?
In straightforward terms, Somerset Young Farmers is committed to championing the younger rural community, recognizing that we represent the future of the British countryside.
We offer a social center for young individuals involved in agriculture and rural life, providing a chance to acquire new skills in an enjoyable and secure setting. With 23 clubs scattered across Somerset, you can locate your nearest one by visiting the How To Join page.
For firsthand insights from our members and compelling reasons to join Somerset YFC, watch the video below.
Who is YFC for?
You don’t have to be a farmer to become a Young Farmer! Young Farmers is for anyone aged between 10 and 26 years who enjoys the countryside.
What can you take part in?
Socialising: Young Farmers give you the opportunity to make new friends – who may well become friends for life. Socials take place throughout the year ranging from local YFC parties to the Annual County Ball along with activity trips that clubs organise - and if you’re under driving age, we can help with transport to get you out and about. See events
Entertainments: Every year each club has the opportunity to take part in a performing arts competition involving drama, pantomime or entertainments, and members get involved with scripting, designing and acting. These competitions go all the way to National level. See events
Competitions: We run competitions for different ages and skill levels throughout the year, such as handicrafts, floristry, baking, stock judging and tug of war. Participants can progress to National level. See competitions
Sports: Members have the opportunity to take part in sports including netball, rugby, football, hockey, skittles, tug of war and ballroom dancing. Sports competitions can be progressed on to National level, and these events are a great way to meet members outside of your club. See events
Charity: Fund raising is a big aspect of Young Farmers. Each club raises money throughout the year for their chosen charity by organising events such as Harvest services, carol singing, and breakfasts put on by members. See events
Speakers: Speakers are invited to join club meetings to talk to the members about topics such as the agriculture industry, teaching and updating young people’s knowledge. See events
For a flavour of Somerset YFC take a look at our programme.

Who are we?
In Somerset we have approximately 700 members of 23 Young Farmers’ Clubs in towns and villages across the county. Find a club near you
Somerset YFC is one of the County Federations that make up the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC). Led by young people, for young people, The National Young Farmers’ Clubs has around 25,000 members across 644 Young Farmers’ Clubs, making it one of the largest rural youth organisations in the UK. Somerset YFC is a very active county with all clubs participating in many activities.
Each club elects officers who have overall responsibility for the Young Farmers’ Club. Roles include chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, programme secretary and club leaders. In addition, there is a dedicated team of adult staff and volunteers who support the YFC’s activities.
All club members are involved in putting ideas forward for the club programme and a nominated few are tasked with the responsibility for organising it.
Sign up!
Interested? Check out further information here.
YFC is a great organisation for all ages and backgrounds where you meet a range of people and take part in a vast number of activities such as stockjudging to baking cakes. YFC is the biggest and best youth organisation on the country!
Ben Goulding - Weston and Banwell YFC